
  • Production Area:  Campania, Castelfranci, Venticano, Bonito (Avellino)
  • Grape: Aglianico 100%.
  • Denomination: Campania I.G.T.
  • Exposition: south.
  • Altitude: 450 meters above sea level.
  • Harvest System: manual.
  • Vinification: in stainless steel with daily remontage and maceration on the skins for a week.
  • Aging: after racking, 50% of the wine passes into second and third passage French oak barrels for about 6 months while the remaining 50% remains in stainless steel vats in contact with the fine lees for the same period.
  • Color: ruby red with clear purple highlights.
  • Bouquet: explosive aromas of cocoa, tobacco and fresh fruit. Mulberry, plums and slightly mentholated balsamic notes on the finish.
  • Flavor: well-ripe tannins without astringency blend with a fresh alcoholic structure and solid sapidity.
  • Food pairing: perfect for barbecues and grilled meat of all kinds, pasta with tuna sauce; fresh pasta with mushrooms; cut of meat; grilled fennel sausage; anelletti with meat sauce and fresh ricotta; eggplant rolls
  • Serving temperature: 50°F
  • Alcohol Content: 13.5% by vol.
  • Serving temperature: 64°F

Villa Raiano